UK Traveldapter
Our Europe to UK travel converter plug is suitable for approximately 50 countries including the UK, Malta, Dubai, HongKong and countries further afield.
The plug is BS 1363A compliant meaning it complies with all relevant UK safety standards.
Unlike most cheap travel adaptors, Traveldapter® carries an EARTHED AND FUSED plug, so may be safely used with earthed appliances, as well as non-earthed appliances.
Destinations using the Type G plug mainly use 230V mains voltage, so any appliance used correctly in Europe may be safely used in the UK and other previously mentioned destinations with a UK Traveldapter®

EU to Type G 3-socket adapter with 6 USB ports
Use EU plugs in UK, UAE, Singapore, Hong Kong & Malta

EU to Type G 4-socket adapter
Use EU plugs in UK, UAE, Singapore, Hong Kong & Malta
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